How do I clear cached Magento data,清除Magento缓存

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To clear Magento cache you need to login to Magento backend, navigate to System > Cache Management screen and use Flush Cache button to flush caches:

How do I clear cached Magento data,清除Magento缓存


Javascript/CSS caches and Images cache can be flushed at the same screen with corresponding buttons.


If Magento admin interface is inaccessible

If you have no access to Magento admin interface due to some issue, the caches can be cleaned from the console, simply login to your Magento installation via SSH or FTP and delete all subdirectories of var/cache directory.


SSH users can use the following command to flush Magento caches:

$ find ./var/cache -type f -delete


FTP users can use the following command to cleanup Magento caches:

> mrm -r ./var/cache ; mkdir ./var/cache